Lucky for all of us, blogs are online journals and the postings are cumulative. So now that you know where Billie's Blog is, you can go there and catch up on all the reading you've missed out on up to this point.
Billie blogs about everything: her photography (which is a very serious pasttime for her...MUCH more than a hobby!), Spanish lessons, eating out, the San Miguel rapist, her grandchildren and anything else that she feels like, dammit! This is a very personal blog written by a woman who has recently sold her home in Houston and gone to live with her husband in San Miguel Allende. She writes well and she takes lovely photos. Her powers of observation that make her a good photographer make her an interesting blogger.
So even though Billie's blog is about Mexico (mostly), you will also find hidden gems like a personal list of restaurant reviews in Houston or a rundown (and links) of her photography friends. You'll find her reminiscences about her children or her ancestors scattered in amongst musings about digital photography and taking photos in Mexico.
This blog is sure to be an enjoyable read for fellow photographers. But I'm sure it will also have a lot to give to those of you living in or moving to or dreaming of Mexico. Don't waste another minute... go catch up on Billie's Blog.
Ellen, I was confused when I clicked on Mexico-in-English and saw my photo. At first I thought I had clicked on my own website but then I thought that my website isn't "black" anymore. It took a second or two for me to realize that you were reviewing billieblog. And such a lovely review. Thank you for the kind words. Billie
My pleasure! I really *do* enjoy your blog...
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