What makes this site so valuable is that it is up-to-the minute reporting of issues affecting the Latino World... in English. I was led to this website tonite by searching on "Yucatan" (the state where I live) on a new search engine called Swamii (also not a bad site to know about). The news items I read were recent (today's news) and were things I had not read about by doing the same search in Google News. There was a news story about AMLO traveling in the Yucatan this weekend and another one with details about recent locust swarms in the Yucatan. Both news stories filed today which I probably could have read about in the local Spanish-language paper. But now I have this resource too.
Try it... you just might bookmark it!
No offense but do you realize that Prensa Latina is the official wire service of the Cuban Gov't. It is no different than reading or citing VOA - it is a gov't propoganda agency so there will always be a slant.
I'm not offended. Thanks for pointing this out. I think it's good to read a lot of different news sources, but it's important to know where they are coming from. I'll keep that in mind when I read this site from now on.
Luckily, I don't think there's much spin on the story about locusts. They didn't once mention Revelations or the Anti-Christ :-)
For excellent English language summary of current political and economic news about Mexico, take a look at www.mexicotoday.blogspot.com, Ana Maria Salazar's blog. She also hosts two English-language news programs about Mexico, both available as streaming audio and MP3 downloads (www.imagen.com.mx/news).
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